Thursday, March 22, 2012

I have been feeling a little unsatisfied with my faith journey over the last year or so and have been trying to figure out why.  When I look back to a time when I was strongly feeling God's grace and "in the groove" I recognized that it was a time when Dilworthtown Church was thriving, Tony was preaching and the Friday morning Men's group was regular and substantive.  As I continued to reflect, and ask myself what happened, it became clear that life changes, kids activities, friends moving, etc had all combined to take something away.  I tell myself, "well then, go find something new".  But I find that hard, because I do not have the "foundation" of thriving spiritual relationships and conversations to fall back on.

So - I put to you a question.  Do you think that some form of virtual conversation between men with a mutual trust would be something worth trying?  I know nothing about Blogging, and am open to alternatives.  This is just an experiment, sent out to a core group of guys that might have opinions that could help get something started.  Truly a leap of faith, without knowledge where I/we will land.

My initial, incomplete, vision is that we would take turns coming up with topics, and comment at our convenience.  I will try to get Tony to participate once we have a group that is interested.  If not him, we can search out an alternative "expert".  My hope is that the technology will fill some of the gaps and allow an intentional conversation to fit into our busy lives.  I am tired of my excuse of - I am too busy.

Please let me know your thoughts, and more importantly suggestions.  My hope would be that the theme would be "experiment", but that our common denominator would be a desire to journey together.